UU - Campus Gotland Welcomes You to the Swedish Neutron Week 2024 - "From Cultural Heritage to the Quantum Age"

We are pleased to announce that the Swedish Neutron Week 2025 will take place in the medieval city of Visby on Gotland, from 9–13 June 2025. The event is jointly organized by SwedNess, SNSS, and Uppsala University. Uppsala University – Campus Gotland will serve as this year’s official local host for the meeting, which is open to everyone who is, or wishes to be, part of the Swedish neutron scattering community. The event’s goal is to bring together Swedish neutron users, facilities, industry, and funding agencies to promote networking, cooperation, and joint initiatives among participants. Participation in Neutron Week offers an excellent opportunity to gain a cross-sectional view of current Swedish activities in the field.

The scientific program (9–11 June) will feature contributions showcasing the potential of neutron scattering for investigating materials across a broad scope. This year’s theme is "From Cultural Heritage to the Quantum Age”. The program will also include updates on neutron instrumentation and technologies, featuring reports from ESS, ISIS, and CSNS. Additionally, a collaboration between the SwedNess graduate school and J-PARC in Japan will bring a delegation of Japanese students to this year’s event, fostering a PhD network for the next generation of neutron scientists.

The final two days of the Swedish Neutron Week (12–13 June) are dedicated to early stage neutron scatterers (PhD students and junior postdocs). On 12 June, a career day will feature experienced professionals working in diverse fields, offering insights to our early stage researchers. The afternoon will include a workshop on “Equal Opportunity in Neutron Scattering” and a talk on “Life–Work Balance” On 13 June, the focus will shift to “Leadership and Project Management. The venue for the student days is lecture rooms at UU - Campus Gotland.”

Please note that to join the meeting you need to Register Here.

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